Transform into Your Leanest, Highest, Best Self

Discover a Personalized Journey to Your Best Self – Join the Movement Today



Where fitness transcends aesthetics, diving deep into a holistic journey that shapes character and breaks mental barriers. I'm Brian Witt, dedicated to training individuals seeking a profound transformation. Ready to embark on this transformative journey with us?



✔ Personalized Workout Program

✔ Customized Meal Plan

✔ Range Of Diet Options

✔ Shopping List

✔ Dine Out Option

✔ Video Demonstrations

✔ Home or Gym 

✔ Progress Tracker

✔ Period Tracker

✔ Mental Wellbeing

✔ Exclusive Mobile App

✔ Email Support

✔ Private Facebook Group



USD / 12 Months





USD / 6 Months





USD / Month






Dedicated to guiding individuals towards becoming their leanest, highest, best selves. its more than coaching – it's a commitment to genuine transformation.


In my first 4 weeks, I lost nearly 11 inches off my mid section, and went down from a size 20 to a size 14. 


To date, I have lost nearly 60 lbs working with Brian. Truely life changing.


I never thought getting leaner and building muscle could be this fun! Brian is one of the best trainers I have ever met, no doubt. 


His dedication and knowledge motivates you to accomplish goals you didn't even know you wanted.


Within the first 4 weeks I started to notice a big difference working with Brian. I had lost 5% of body fat, 2 lbs of overall weight, 


while gaining 6 lbs of skeletal muscle mass. I cannot recommend Brian enough for his exceptional coaching skills and the tremendous impact he had on my fitness journey. From day one, his personalized approach made all the difference. He took the time to understand my goals, limitations, and preferences, crafting a comprehensive fitness and plan that was perfectly tailored to my needs. His deep knowledge in exercise science ensures that I not only lost weight but did so in a healthy and sustainable manner. What truly sets Brian apart is his unwavering support and motivation throughout the entire process. He was always there to offer guidance, celebrate my victories, and provide encouragement during challenging moments. His positive energy and belief in my potential helped me push past my limits and achieve results I never thought possible. Thanks to his expertise and genuine care, I not only transformed my body but also developed a newfound sense of self-confidence and a positive mindset.



workout pROGRAMS

Let’s ensure every session is contributing to your goal! 

Tell me your physique goals, level of fitness and experience and leave the rest to me. I will design YOUR workout program in a way that constantly changes to keep you motivated and engaged as you transform your body.

I take flexibility and freedom into consideration when making these programs, as I want this to fit into your schedule without seeming like a chore. 

With clear instructions on each exercise, I will tell you exactly how to conduct each movement as well as the reps and sets associated. 

Build the body you want by taking action first and seeing results through consistency.

Home or gym option

Workout video library

Choose your goal

Swap out exercises


meal plans

Meal plans do not have to be boring and tasteless! 

Let me know what your food preferences or allergies are if you have any and I will make sure you receive a meal plan that you love! With my experience and knowledge, I will design your meal plan with delicious recipes so that you never get bored of eating the same foods on a daily basis again! 

I know that calculating macronutrients and calories can be very complex at times, so leave that up to me! You just trust in the process and get results by staying consistent and patient!

Your meal plan is completely custom to YOUR needs, so you will reap the full benefits of your gym sessions! Remember, training in the gym is important BUT fueling your body with the correct foods is the game changer! Don’t miss out on your gains by not eating the correct foods. 

Swap out meals

Likes and dislikes list

Shopping list included

Dine out option

Choose from a range of diet options




Dairy Free

Gluten Free






Members can take their personalized meal plans and training programs with them to both the supermarket and the gym, as Brian Witt members receive their programs on a Mobile App. Making it super convenient for you to access what you need at the time!


You are NOT alone!

I’m here to answer any of your questions and offer advice, to support you and guide you in any way you need to be successful!


Brian Witt members gain access to the private Facebook group. As a community, supporting each other is the objective. This is done through sharing stories and empowering each other to be consistent and hungry for improvement. I am here to support you through your fitness journey, so any questions or thoughts that you would like to share will be acknowledged!


I believe in the uniqueness of each fitness journey. Your body is exclusive, and it deserves exercises that resonate with it. My philosophy is simple: be present, listen to your body, and feel the transformation unfold.

Embarking on a fitness journey alone is a challenge filled with peaks and valleys. With our guidance, witness the positive impact on every facet of your life. Consistency in diet and exercise yields tangible, visible transformations. Join us in embracing a journey beyond fitness – a journey towards becoming your highest, best self. Let me be your guide on this transformative path.

Begin your journey today!



Hover over images to read more

Medical Conditions
Our Tailored Plans Can Help Treat

  • High Blood Pressure

    • Sodium Reduction: Limiting salt intake helps reduce blood pressure.

    • DASH Diet: Emphasizes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat dairy, and is low in saturated fat and cholesterol.

    • Potassium-Rich Foods: Foods like bananas, potatoes, and spinach can help balance sodium levels.
  • High Cholesterol

    • Healthy Fats: Incorporating unsaturated fats from sources like olive oil, nuts, and avocados while reducing saturated and trans fats.

    • Fiber-Rich Foods: Soluble fiber from oats, fruits, and legumes helps reduce cholesterol absorption.

    • Plant Sterols and Stanols: These substances, found in certain fortified foods, can help lower LDL cholesterol.
  • Diabetes

    • Diabetes Carbohydrate Management: Monitoring and balancing carbohydrate intake to control blood glucose levels.

    • Low Glycemic Index Foods: Choosing foods that have a lower impact on blood sugar, like whole grains, legumes, and non-starchy vegetables.

    • Consistent Meal Timing: Regular eating patterns can help maintain stable blood sugar levels.
  • Obesity

    • Caloric Balance: Ensuring calorie intake matches individual energy expenditure to promote weight loss.

    • Nutrient Density: Focusing on foods high in nutrients but lower in calories, like vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains.

    • Behavioral Strategies: Custom plans can include strategies for mindful eating and portion control.
  • Heart & Cardiovascular Circulatory Health

    • Healthy Fats: Emphasizing omega-3 fatty acids from fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts to reduce inflammation.

    • Antioxidant-Rich Foods: Consuming fruits and vegetables that provide vitamins and minerals to protect heart health.

    • Whole Foods: Reducing processed foods that contribute to inflammation and heart disease risk.




See some common questions and answers below, or email me at

  • How do I receive the program?

    Your program is available through my website on the members area section after you have purchased. Choose a plan, make payment and enter all your personal details and I will start putting together your personalized program! 

  • Is this a subscription based program?

    Yes, the reason I have chose to do this is so you can continue your progress as maintenance is so important. You have the option of a monthly based program, 6 monthly or annual. This means the programs are constantly updated with workouts and meals tailored just for you depending on the program of your choosing plus continuous support from myself and my team. The beauty of this is that you are not tied in and you can cancel at anytime.

  • Are the programs available world wide?

    Yes! It’s imperative to me that anyone in the world can access this program.

  • Can I do the plan at home?

    We can tailor the plan for you to complete this in your own home if you wish! All you need is a set of weights/dumbbells. You would need to select home only on the set up form. 

  • Refunds and returns.

    For information on my refunds and returns policy, please see the terms and conditions.

  • How do I cancel?

    To cancel your subscription you must email myself  with at least 7 days notice so that you are not charged again. Please note that when you cancel all of your workouts, plans, support and guide will be removed from your account.

  • I’m new to the gym - is this good for beginner?

    The workout is entirely tailored to you and your goals. So if you are new to the gym I’ve got your back with your very own personalized program. Chose weights that are light for your fitness levels and gradually work your way up.

  • Is each month the same?

    No, each month is different. This will involve an increase weight, change of exercises and changes in your meal plan that is constantly updated. It’s all about progress and maintenance.

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